Globalised War Guilt: "I am guilty of war"... Lewis-Lord Hamilton (1944/2008)

I am guilty of war when I proudly exercise
my intelligence to the disadvantage of my fellow man.
I do not love him as my own self in society.

I am guilty of war when I distort other's opinions,which differ from my own.
I do not care for their minds and hearts helping our children.

I am guilty of war when I show disregardf or the rights and properties of others.
I am guilty of war when I covet what another has honestly acquired.
I am in love with loathing and grudges that hurt our men after youth.

I am guilty of war when I seek to maintain my superiority of position by depriving others of their opportunity of advancement. I am guilty of war if I imagine my kin and myself to be a privileged people.
I hate looking and seeing the poor when I have too much to give.

I am guilty of war if I believe a heritage entitles me to monopolise resources of nature.
I am guilty of war when I believe other people must think and live as I do.
I am alone in the dark-ness of male victimology.

I am guilty of war when I make success in life solely dependent upon power, fame, and riches.
I am stuck seeing gay men hate life and what their mothers's gave birth to.

I am guilty of war when I think the minds of people should be regulated by force, rather than by reason.
I am hated for thinking maybe I need to under democracy promotion and social justice for men.

I am guilty of war when I believe the God I conceive is the one others must accept. I am guilty of war when I think that a land of a man's birth must necessarily be the place of his livelihood.
Man ignoring this voice makes other men home-less.

The true articles of peace cannot be legislated but are drawn up in the personal aspirations and conduct of the millions of little people. When allmen will frankly perceive their common dependence, an understanding will emerge that will transcend the barriers of time and space, creed and race.
I seek peace for you as well as me.

rosicrucian order - creed of peace - ralph m. lewis - 1944