Arrestees in the criminal justice                            system could be helped, USA
prisons un-clogged if we took
liberty in helping our men. The
criminal justice system,
drug courts, resortative justice model
requires you in VoiceOfObispo to stand in the gap. For instance, the wife of actor Antonio Banderos, Melanie Griffith, an Academy Award nominated Golden Globe winning American film actress supports Gaymanity and how the issues of news releases dealing with human rights. Tyler Lord Hamilton is making sure, as to what Griffith says (while being flown in her private plane over SLO Town hills and coastal areas), in secret, San Luis Obispo is one of the most magical, favourite places in the world to be at (2005). Also home of Tyler Lord Hamilton, every shared voice obliging to this spirit of democracy promotion for male mental happiness, stars and dignitaries boast of what is happening (finally) in SLO fashion and politics.

Next to Tyler Lord Hamilton, one of the most sexiest men, as what we know from the GQ photo spread sheets, SLO's Garden Streets boasts of having the hottest men in the world visit and share voice.Next to Tyler Lord Hamilton, one of the most sexiest men, as what we know from the GQ photo spread sheets, SLO's Garden Streets boasts of having the hottest men in the world visit to share voice.

   Close proximity to Mr. Hamilton is not guranteed unless denoted payment is received. Though completey offered to you in the privacy of this web portal, VoiceOfObispo establishes the mulligan of expectation we have for you to be involved. Due to high hate crime, we'll give you as much support possible but must remain make an entry for security and privacy on this work.

  Since beginning in 2008, we have had infringment on our rights from the local Republicans and were plagerised for the benefit of sketchy conservatioves and drug addicts from AA. This, now being more high-profile must simulate in SLO that crime ruins it for all. At present many men coming to Mr. Hamilton wish to start their social philosophy processes to gay or bi-sexuality in the comfort of their closets, take and steal from the core gay ethics we offer at liberty. Nevertheless, you will be glad to know that cowards only rob a society of what we give freely to show love in male relationships. If you are here to familiarise with VoiceOfObispo at this point because another mental health professional told you to be here, bear in mind that you will not get away with your lies in society. "The Global Society" has called you into VoiceOfObispo. Congratulations to the honesty it took for you to click-in on this web-site. We are believers in second chance as well as dignity. 

  If getting the honour to work individually or in a public setting with Tyler Lord Hamilton, most likely he is going to ask you pop-questions so your time and his is not wasted. About the essence of what this social entrepreneurship is, as well as his original theories consist of, do not worry if you are still getting ahold of our approaches to diversification in the open source media like this site presents. All you need to do is make sure you will be required of your self to disclose the Truth about being human. And, if you are intrigued, USA and the collapse of men, gay or straight really, member-ship privileges such as giving access to Mr. Hamilton must contribute to the financial autonomy subject to get you more than meets the eye. Our technological monolith is to connect you with the world and what San Luis Obispo venture to give-out. We decline from barbarism, so if you do not staisfy initiation because it is a condition precedent to member-ship investment, you've really thrown your own self to the streets. Our men receive via such social work and not being fooled in your own kind, that which we die for as cause of trustworthiness, a world of men against war and inscribed bull-shit. 

  That being said, while you can mix business with pleasure (so it is proven in time), the participant in the VoiceOfObispo must abide by a sworn "promissionary oath", publicly renounce  herein, offered by association so this will not prevent those working with Tyler Lord Hamilton acquiring prestige, including self-worth in the democratic spirit of Queer Theory. Hearing every single person who let's queer be queer amid men does not mean exploitation and you may qualify to remain included in this novel movement if you show gay ethicism as prescribed.

Don't tell anybody, but being out VoiceOfObispo want to let you know that Fred Astaire's family settled in San Luis Obispo County. Along the side, even handsome and althletic dancer Gene Kelly, Singing-in the-Rain-buff from Broadway had a home in Morro Bay. This is where it was understood among his closest cohorts that it is where he could get away from the world of celebrity.

  This is your original award-winning, very powerful golden opportunity to be heard by Tyler Lord Hamilton, "The Voice Of The World", right here in SLO Town where certain laws have been created as self-governing civil society assisting under-privileged males needing social justice proetcetion from society. Terms and conditions to end inequity between males, we allow you to completely customise your voice dealing with society where many throughout the world wish to be heard at very desperate levels. Conservatively, there are basic guide-lines to get your voice heard in the manner which suggests proper social justice for the people in liberty according to gay law and democracy promotion.

  When contacting VoiceOfObispo your main aim is to have additional details regarding New World Christ Church & About-Out Enterprises that literally braod-casts your spirituality in our social sciences open source media - on-line, YouTube, TV, et cetera. You may easily change your voice after speaking or interacting with others on the show, as to which you may enter the transforamtion of Republican to Democratic consensus. Even agree to disagree or debate in the discussion of the said sociology of men taught by your public discourse as well as Enlightenment brough-forth by working disrtectly with Tyler Lord Hamilton.

  Whatever is on your heart, we are here for your voice getting what you want for "The Global Society" that takes social responsibility for the breaking-down of men InterContinental. This could not be more timeley, as to what is sponsored by The Tyler Lord Hamilton Foundation (TTLHF) - a self-governed  independent research organisation for men seeking that niche in Mr. Hamilton's social work, alson bringing social justice prevalance and democracy promotion for gay and bi-sexual men without force. Said, the voices which shape our culture, generation, and life in cyber-space come from one man, Tyler Lord Hamilton and his people.

  Stand-up for Gaymanity. Welcome to SLO Town's wonderful voice for men all over the world. That is your wish - you got it! Speak-up, scream-out, cry-over and laugh-at the dumb pricks who've ph_cked gay men oevr too long. We end war crime and believe in life environmental sustainability for men who demand equality for all dying from neglect.

Welcome to VoiceOfObispo, an on-line entity located in lovely San Luis Obispo, California. Directly functions as informational contact and ideas that bring you to a throne of Tyler Lord Hamilton, "The Voice Of The World". The opportunity to support Gaymanity in the social sciences, we're selective with regard to members. 

As initial screening is required to be here patiently seeing that the celebrity have become very protected and selective in your process since on-coming hate crime, un-trustworthy government, champ threats hurt property for which together up-hold for his social imagination.

   The Golden State of California brings a voice to the world and reflects the brightest colours of diversity - like California Poppies state-flower on hill-side known for "their remarkable length of season". Almaden Research Centre and VoiceOfObispo. 
The sociology of masculinity is at a break-down due to the abuse of cock power on 9/11. Your voice needs to be heard if you know you can help the world understand what the meaning of man-hood represents. The flag pole is a symbol of cock culture.
  "If you can help the New War on Masculinity as well as Ground Zero at Man-hood come to an end by stepping-out from the closets and shadows of prejudice, offering your skills is a start. But, the real one is your voice basically being heard. Speak-up and be heard via VoiceOfObispo.
  You live on purpose and deserve to be happy, reaching-out in The Global Society as social sciences open source media is a vehicle we have. Knowing that gay, bi-sexual or straight males live life like your self and want to re-gain dignity.
   Nobody is going to put down and under-class us for being public voices in a civil society as men who love other men. Never protest against social justice and democracy promotion ... just as fine as we package it".
-Social Scientist Tyler Lord Hamilton
Social Sciences Emergency VoiceOfObispo International[e]-
Attractive & Distinctive Arab Sexuality to San Luis Obispo, California.
KAMAL AL-SOLAYLEE reports.The Globe and Mail, Saturday, 17 May 2003.
Saleem Malik attempted suicide twice before he turned 18. Growing up in Lahore, Pakistan, the eldest son of devout Muslimparents, he could never come to terms with, let alone explore, his attraction to other men. His best attempts to fake interest in girls failed to impress his peers, who began to bully the self-described "effeminate" man. "It was easy for other kids to practise kick-boxing on me", recalls Mr. Malik, now 25. In 1992, he tried to hang himself from the ceiling fan in his room.
If it was a cry for help, it fell on hostile ears since suicide is a haram -- religious wrong -- in Islamic law. "My dad's reaction was really bad -- he beat me. I was frustrated with my own life. I had no one to talk to, not even my own parents".
In 1997, after a disastrous infatuation with a high-school friend -- who later committed suicide after being forced into anarranged marriage -- Mr. Malik tried to take his life one more time. Again, he faced the wrath of his parents, who didn't understand the reason for his depression.
Today in Halifax, where he is studying tourism and hotel management at MountSaint Vincent University, Mr. Malik can be seen dropping off flyers for the local chapter of Salaam, a Toronto-based organisation dedicated to Muslims in Canada who are lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transsexual and/or transgendered. Mr. Malik started the local group in February, and so far, he says, "five gentlemen are constantly in touch" helping address intimacy, trust and acceptance in "global" culture.
He has also received some angry mail from members of the Muslim community in Halifax who were not used to seeing the words Muslims and gays without the verb "hate" between them. "I'm not scared", hesays, and a nervous laugh follows. "When it comes to this issue, I feel completely at ease." The new, glad-to-be-gay-and-Muslim Mr. Malik has emerged after extensive counselling sessions arranged through Halifax's Gay and Lesbian Youth Project, support from Salaam Toronto and its U.S.-based sister group Al-Fatiha, and some serious soul-searching. The result of it all is a strong conviction that the terms Muslim and gay aren't mutually exclusive.
"What Islam means to me is submission to God", he says. The important thing is to pray and fast and do what is expected of a Muslim, "no matter whether you're gay or straight".
While he is still not out to his family, Mr. Malik's experience -- and the stories of a growing number of others like him-- suggests that the days when Muslims have to choose between their sexual identity and their faith may soon be over. Within a community notorious for its intolerant views of homosexuality -- one of the last great taboos, even among Muslims living in more liberal Western democracies -- signs of change are emerging.
One of the more significant is an international conference for Muslim gays and lesbians to take place in Toronto next month. Co-sponored by Salaam Toronto and the Al-Fatiha Foundation under the title "Liberating Tradition, Celebrating Culture", the event is expected to draw more than 200 delegates and explore topics ranging from "Islam and Homosexuality: Contextual Interpretations and Ancient Laws" to "Queer Muslim Identities post-September11". VoiceOfObispo is taking pleasure in implemeting the movement for men at the micro-level, San Luis Obispo, California. 
The sensitive voices of men represented right here in San Luis Obispo. Seek contact criteria information, earn screening to become one of the VoiceOfObispo's international on-line forum with articles, essays, chronicles and discussions. Get to know Mediterranean men serving as capital of the Roman Empire. Time to embrace culture: Greek and Armenian minorities living gay in San Luis Obispo. That is global voice. Tyler Lord Hamilton is willing to hold your hand every step of the way if you grow scared of the inevitable
  Happy and safe Istanbul-Turkey, to SLO Town, your social entrepreneurship to stand tall with Mr. Hamilton's cock voice in San Luis Obispo makes waves in gay law & justice. The world looks at a democratic consensus of men living their bliss. That's "The Global Society"... the New America emerging infinite divine from the heart of 2008 restoration.
Most cream-of-the crop collegiate Poly Dudes (guys that attend California Polytechnic University while sub-siding in San Luis Obispo County) with-out know how to speak their voices. If you are a Poly Dude, muscle jock, Emo, GOTH, twink or Trans-gender cutie, please submit any personal creationism to VoiceOfObispo. Matt's penis-cake is an example of free-dom to enjoy our cock in culture research.
Germany, U.K., Amsterdam or Middle East, please simply include your-self in VoiceOfObispo, and other social organisations for men arranged by Tyler Lord Hamilton. Call today to get in-volved, as follows: 1 805 563 6324
Gay social work in VoiceOfObispo is to keep men out with YOUR hottie Tyler Lord Hamilton and his fabulous gender-flipping!
Who sticks-up for cock men in SLO Town? Tyler Lord Hamilton DOES! As long as they are not afraid to say that they have a human right to love, and be loved.
"It gave me voice to be with men I am TOTALLY attracted to be with in Arab world society". Ali - Saleh
GaySociologySelf-Developmentalism: Tyler's custard-pie years made New York Model Contacts, America, as well as Mr. Nude Palm Springs finals to welcome self in society for gay voice. 
This Voice of San Luis Obispo frees other men from the oppression of war crime. It is Tyler Lord Hamilton, and he's been compared to a young actor Paul Newman, with a mind of Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) - a German philosopher of the late 19th century who challenged the foundations of Christianity and traditional morality like The LORD does on behalf of Gaymanity.
Mr. Newman served in the Navy in World War II, was an early contributor and philanthropic gentleman - vocal supporter of gay rights and in particular, same-sex marriage - plus Ellen DeGeneres, Robert Redford and Eartha Kitt. 
Gay boyz exist in SLO County more than you think.
"If a man's homosexuality would not be identified in the service of even a funeral after he was murdered, then VoiceOfObispo will passionately ignite as men to unite via voices together. That is social justice for Gaymanity... not acting any-thing less than true-full". Social Scientist Tyler Lord Hamilton  
As with nearly any aspect of the human body that is involved in sexual or excretory functions, the word penis is considered inherently funny from a juvenile perspective, and there are many slang words for the penis, such as "cock", "dick", "shlong", or "willy". Many of these are noted in the bathroom humour/slang.
Etymology (Penis)
    The word "penis" is taken from the Latin word for "tail." Some derive that from Indo-European *pesnis, and the Greek word πεος = "penis" from Indo-European *pesos. Prior to the adoption of the Latin word in English the penis was referred to as a "yard". The Oxford English Dictionary cites an example of the word yard used in this sense from 1379,[1] and notes that in his Physical Dictionary of 1684, Steven Blankaart defined the word penis as "the Yard, made up of two nervous Bodies, the Channel, Nut, Skin, and Fore-skin, etc."[2]
     The Latin word "phallus" (from Greek φαλλος) is sometimes used to describe the penis, although "phallus" originally was used to describe images, pictorial or carved, of the penis. Penis is VOICE and gays in SLO County practice just that. 
     Online Etymology Dictionary

Does circumcision cause males to be violent? A penis which has been circumcised, flaccid and erect.
Main article: Genital modification and mutilation
"I was pleased to know that Mr. Kelly came here. Not for a vacation, but his home away from home. Gene was always friendly to us. He had a home in Morro Bay where Tyler Lord Hamilton lived for some years".
 -An unannoymous gay local of SLO County

     Tyler Lord Hamilton hosts this web-page with image in its original context, public domain and mentioned social media and photography resources, other-wise resulting in penalties.
          Tyler Lord Hamilton Intellectaul Property. All Rights Reserved. 2008-2012

Tyler Lord Hamilton
When you become a member you will have the opportunity to be involved in the planning of some very important things that are modeled after certain joint efforts made in the world for human rights, such as the above link fro University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
When you become a member of our community you get to take spirituality to a new level with us.
 Our true legendary diva, Miss Eartha Kitt states so kindly over pop-culture, politics, black gay culture, fashion, books, activism, HIV and AIDS: "The gay community has been supporting me since the beginning of time" (she purrs). (Luckily) "The gay world was constantly looking for me when I didn't have a record out there. They've kept me alive".

As for the out-rage of New York's historical Stonewall, Kitt have been long admired by the gay community, and she sincerely directs to return the love. -Windy City Media Group & Time. Chicago GLBT Nightlife News, Gay and Lesbian Feature Publication. 
The Rick Martel Show features singer
& social advocate Tyler Lord Hamilton.
Click the "L' Event" Peacock picture/icon to be directed to Tyler's YouTube Channel - About-Out Talk Show featuring his female illusionisn/woman impersonation skills as social entrepreneurship.
Click on Tyer's vintage-style picture of his torso, profile above. 1 805 563 6324
Having lived in Palm Springs, from me to you just know there are so many secrets in Hollywood having to deal with closeted gay actors. I give you the finest with gayological perspective as possible. I am happy you are enjoying us at VoiceOfObispo.
Darren (bi-sexual) talks discreetly in a coed European dorm-room in Germany with Big Brother interview. Questioning straight dude (non-homophobic) inquires.
Click picture
When you leave a gay man neglected to rot from having no love, you are afraid really of his courage to love man-kind most powerfully. 
Gay Social Scientist & Model Tyler Lord Hamilton is owner and director for VoiceOfObispo. 
"Gay men are all over the world in different careers. Nothing is new to admit, as for they have hard cocks that need exposing metaphorically.

Do you under-stand the divine symbolism of cock? You must be humbled in society to see the value of gay men. I know this is Truth. To not avoid a voice nor steal us from human rights".

Social Scientist Tyler Lord Hamilton
Actor Newman died of cancer 2008 Septembre. VoiceOfObispo thanks he and his wife for giving all they could to humanity. Paul never lacked marvelous masculinity, though he carried a brilliant effeminate side during interviews.

This came from his self-luxury and kind-hearted manners and is never to be mistaken for fop or a dandy.
 YouTube-777Thinking Channel NEEDS citisens to help poor, and rejected men in SLO that have been hated for being gay.
Do you want eight social net-working sites for men who love men?
Tyler and Jocks Column
Gay-Pro Stars/Celebs in San Luis Obipso Column
Big-boobed Barbie will always be our voice like over-sized members.
Contact us at 1 805 563 6324 if you have a voice for ethical social justice and
democracy promotion!
d text.
Also click on our web-portal
to hear the voice of gay-straight San Luis Obispo

                                      If you're Muslim in America today, this type of blanket stereo-typing will be terribly familiar, as what Michael Wolfe argues. In place of AIDS, killer is terrorist bombings. In place of main-stream fear that all gays are carriers of a lethal threat to human life, we have the categorical suspicion of Arabs, Muslims, and people from groups confused with them. How many years must pass, how much education must take place, before a society understands that people of all types, colours, and beliefs may harbour a fatal virus or turn to terrorism in the social suicide of World War III? How long will it take to sink-in, that over the last 10 years we have had Irish, German, Serbian, Israeli, Basque, Italian, Colombian and American terrorists (remember Tim McVeigh)? Yet, the only group the label sticks to is Muslims and that is due to inequality in American politics and sleaze media.
                                    There is another lamentable analogy between AIDS and terrorism, and that is the fatal slow-ness with which governments have risen to challenge wrong-headed characterisations of both afflictions. VoiceOfObispo. Muslims by the millions also need to denounce this false association, stepping decisively away from any excuse for violent reprisals against innocent people. Gay Arabs, et cetera, march to international streets to change to social poverty herein. 
                                    American law makers and everyday citizens need to denounce the selective rescinding of normal civil rights that lies at the heart of post-9/11 federal laws like the Patriot Act. Social entrepreneurship is giving this select social population of men a voice as democracy promotion and social justice for gay and bi-sexual men without force makes this possible by the work of you and us. 

As the New Angels and Demons in America Unite VoiceOfObispo!

From a Western Minaret Michael Wolfe (Authour-Columnist-Historian), Tyler Lord Hamilton (Social Scientist)

       Accordingly, to be part of gay social media, it is to have a voice heard. For Wolfe and Hamilton, 9-11 is about those who died that day. But, funeral is over and now gay men must be celebrated in their living the New America. Subsequent events have taught us that if you do not speak-up and get involved lives are at stake.

        Like gays in the 1980s, Muslims are stigmatised based on the lethal out-come of behaviours practiced by few.
   Our former Downtown Brown Community Bear Mascot of San Luis Obispo (an experienced gay) - Professor-Social Scientist Tyler Lord Hamilton, CIC, AASoc., BSCJ, BASoc. & MPA-Ph.D. (forth-coming) - gathers voices from around the world to pioneer his sociology of gay men once and for all in fear-less democracies for SLO Town's civil society. Let's end the hate crime...
Secretly, Barbara Streisand and her husband James Brolin (actor, too) enters SLO County occasionally when nobody is looking at them. How slick is cock in marriage? Slipping away out of the Talent Industry, side-by-side up the coast from Malibu with wife in privacy and "real" power.
Just to get away, her voice is the greatest part of Gaymanity but she would be pleased to know our admiration for Brolin is never stepping-out of the loyaties.In our gorgeous area, we thank Streisand for relying credit to her son and us for being gay male deserving of love and life in the New America. May World War III be put to an end via our voice spoken in Truth for our sweetest handsome couple. Look us up whenever you guys want to brag back in wonderful society.
We'll meet you at your favourite restaurant in SLO and pay for it. Shhh. It is news to brag from. We love to eat there, too.
Ms. Dolly Parton.
American papers like USA Today claim Ms. Parton has been targeted because of her largely gay male fan base. A United Kingdom private source specified that country singer Dolly Parton has been receiving hate mail by bigoted folks in reaction to her increasing gay following, according to reports, but will not flinch. Hating the threats enormously given by conservatives, her legendary star-struck successful-ness is resented for inspiring gay males suffering depression. She adds in an interview: "Some people are blind or ignorant, and you can't be that pre-judiced and hate-ful and go (thru) this world and still be (like that)".

Dolly Parton was forced to cancel her up-coming North American tour after doctors ordered her back to bed for six to eight weeks because of back problems. Parton says it's her breasts that are the issue.

During un-reported years with no press attention, luckily, Dolly Parton was seen on a monthly basis dining at one of the pink tables inside the Madonna Inn of San Luis Obispo hotel and spa resort. Entertainment icons like her dear friend Reba McEntire, John Wayne and countless others have made appearances at the inn during it's opening by Alex and wife-singer Phyllis Madonna.
In our closed social media, we'd like to say that people like these enormously prominent women as patron to gay human rights to not be murdered braves an America soul to help Gaymanity and AIDS specifically like biggoted men hated homosexuals need to learn to do.
What A Doll!
The country chic singer and adorbale songster Reba McEntire visits San Luis Obispo to show her egalitarian respects to the Madonna Family just before Alex (the father) passing-away. Alex Madonna is the hated Republican "family-man" who built box stores in SLO against associated secular humanist and environmentalist locals living down-to-earth on the Central Coast part of California. 
VoiceOfObispo web-site content mayn't be published, broad-cast, re-written or double published without the written consent of the owner delighted in our privacy. Contact us for legal ramification and consequence informations hould you think you can store in a retrieval system without permission.
Size does matter if we are talking about VoiceOfObispo's cock voice ending the war and cleaning-up what the Republicans did to create social suicide. In gay existialism, we admit that America declared war on it's men and women, so Gaymanity via social responsibility shoves what being a man means to The Global Society of strength in Truth.

Our New American Democracy is built-upon re-alligning cock-derived male dominative society to the original plan of The Christ. Righ-up the skirt of nasty politics ... That is social justice and free-reign.

We are Masculinist Theorists and liberate men like the women did in USA for their sex in the vagina pro-activsim 60s days and feminist move-ments.
                Come-out James Dean. You are a "real" man with us. It is time to look at who we are in society as union. We have seen private writings disclosing your bi-sexuality. We will be your VoiceOfObispo. You know for years we've had your back.
We made you who you are in social media, now make love to us. Come to our bodies and touch the soul of male sacred sexuality. That is not sleaze or exploitation - it is Truth in the sociolgy of men and just, democratic voice.
Marilyn Monroe was murdered by the government and heals Gaymanity freeing Hollywood. And, to shameless homsexuality with SLO COUNTY and THE GLOBE, VoiceOfObispo is here to make all people come-clean! Thanks San Luis Obispo for showing social responsibility to and for the recovery of all men.
The conservatives never thought that James and Marilyn's bi-sexualities could up-stage America - running in by "The Global Society" - your New America with social justice and democracy promotion for civilisation without force. Now, war crime is to end in the name of your voice. Come-out with San Luis Obispo, Califronia, or go live out-side your social suicide means.
Information technology (IT) sets new standards for optimal speed and law performance and up-time disclosure. All text, web services, hosting, design & developement, editing, photography, graphic design, videography and motion picture production is available under the terms of The Tyler Lord Hamilton Foundation and the social siences research. Acceptable use for privacy or booking poilicy is contingent upon local San LuisObispo County Thank you for your support, voice, respect, and un-tainted love.
Debonaire mega star actor Harrison Ford visting Linnaea's Cafe in SLO where Mr. Hamilton sings, recites self-afflicted gay poetry on hell and justice. Like Ford's charitable causes are social environment, civil rights and rape/sexual abuse,
we tell you that the most beautful men in San Luis Obispo are not all gay nor homophobic. This is a good time to be queer and out - erecting cock voice and pride with YouTube star Tyler Lord Hamilton, AIDS, and other gay-gender issues needing all the activism in the world.
Harrison Ford is an Academy Award- and BAFTA-nominated, as well as Golden Globe-winning, American actor. He visits SLO Town when nobody is looking and steps in the foot paths of Mr. Hamilton on Garden Steet (downtown). 
In human rights, known by Star Wars and open-thinking to defend the good, Ford would never be thrown out of bed by Gaymanity. The great voice visting have an open-mind in Downtown SLO Town and doesn't try to control the diversity. 

 The distorted perception of sacred sexuality is what has caused our mis-understanding bewteen all civilians global-wide. This world-culture for taking-off clothes as law-ful for gay men ought to be spoken about on the Central Coast - from Monterey Bay, SLO, to Santa Barbara Counties - where-in these best nude beaches would be credible social justice and democracy promotion for liberty's sake when the voices of law enforce-ment are as transparent as the human body. As long as I am same-gendered, then VoiceOfObispo men who support Gaymanity are of the sacred living space".

-Social Scientist Tyler Lord Hamilton
Don't encourage men to hide if the voice with the moment you learned to say loving gay society is good for this celebration with VoiceOfObispo in democracy promotion and social justice prevalence - statistically looking at this select social population not committing suicide.
VoiceOfObispo is


Did you know that well-sought-after stars like Dolly Parton and Barbara Streisand, including past-legends like Gene Kelly, hide in San Luis Obispo for peace and safety from sleaze media?
Social Scientist Tyler Lord Hamilton, "TheVoiceOfTheWorld", stands at a water-fall and represents Father-Fucking Mother Earth. With his cock research he lightens the hearts of men discovering their voices. Which strengthen masculinity, peacefully, with other men who embrace to Truths of empowerment in SLO.
Paso Robles specifically have very gorgeous hunks that are coming slowly to embrace gay diversity, twinks, the importance of drag and fetale femme cultures. 

etting men to talk about social hunches that perpetuate victimisation with gays via the biggoted, VoiceOfObispo brings respect, helping misplaced love, fearful masturbators, compulsive-ness, drugs, lewd behaviourism and critcal opinions needing "cock-pit help" in this area, so men of all types hold no prejudice.